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Am I required to provide Sexual Harassment Training?

California law requires that employers with 50 or more employees train supervisors and managers about sexual harassment. While there is no specific law requiring for non-management employees, the prudent employer who wants to avoid claims of sexual harassment will provide employees with some form of "training." For some employers, that may be a reminder of the company's complaint process, sexual harassment policy, and no-retaliation policy. Employers are required to post a state Department of Fair Employment and Housing (DFEH) poster which includes information about the illegality of sexual harassment. In addition, employers are mandated to give employees an information sheet on sexual harassment. It is advisable to provide the sexual harassment information sheets to independent contractors as well.

Quick: What’s the difference between an exempt and nonexempt employee?

I don't have a lot of wall space. What happens if I fail to display employer posters?

Can my employee skip his meal break and eat at his desk if it gets too busy?

Some of my employees speak a foreign language and others are complaining. What should I do?

I want to hire a 16 year-old for the summer but she doesn't have a work permit. Can I still employ her?

My just-hired employee is going out on jury duty. Do I still need to pay him?

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