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I want to hire a 16 year-old for the summer but she doesn't have a work permit. Can I still employ her?

Generally no. Permits are required year-round, even when school is not in session and you must acquire a work permit before employing a minor. The Statement of Intent to Employ Minor and Request for Work Permit should be completed by the minor and signed by you and the parent or guardian of the minor. Once the student files the completed Statement of Intent with the school district, the district may issue a work permit. Certain exceptions to the permit requirement include any minor who is a high school graduate or who has been awarded a Certificate of Proficiency, and minors who irregularly work at odd jobs such as yard work and babysitting. A minor work permit violation carries civil penalties of not less than $500 and up to $1,000 for each and every violation.

Quick: What’s the difference between an exempt and nonexempt employee?

Am I required to provide Sexual Harassment Training?

I don't have a lot of wall space. What happens if I fail to display employer posters?

Can my employee skip his meal break and eat at his desk if it gets too busy?

Some of my employees speak a foreign language and others are complaining. What should I do?

My just-hired employee is going out on jury duty. Do I still need to pay him?

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5042 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 400, Los Angeles, California 90036-4967  (323) 356 - 6245